Australian Women….congratulations…

What a wonderful night at the town hall last night (#humanrights).  The four Australians of the Year – all highly articulate and passionate.  Rosie Batty is just amazing in her authenticity. She brings tears to my eyes every time she speaks.  Jackie French – so free and forthright and yes I smile when I think of wombats too!  Drisana Levitzke-Gray who so eloquently raised our awareness of deafness. Juliette Wright – how two bags of baby clothes was the foundation for GIVIT.

Annabel Crabb – facilitating the conversation.   She is so fabulous and what a great sense of humour – what a fabulous asset for ABC.  You should have heard the applause for Gillian Triggs – Tony must be aghast!  Now that is a women with integrity.  And then closing by Liz Broderick who has brought so much value to her position.

All in all a fabulous event!  Let’s hope there are no “Captain’s Calls” in 2016 when the new winners are announced.